Monday, June 16, 2008

Thank You !

Thank you to everyone who has sent me an e-mail about the blog and about the beginning of my novel. I will be throwing the first few chapters up here in the next few days and would appreciate any crits that you can send my way.

I had a great being Father's Day and all. My wife and daughter gave me the 3rd season of Lost, a book, and some chocolate. I think my daughter was more excited about the chocolate then anything. She loves dark chocolate. What can I say, the girl has taste.

I did get to see Kung fu Panda with my daughter and wife over the weekend. I really enjoyed the movie -- nice simple story and it was fun. My daughter now thinks all Panda's say "HIIII YAAAAhhhhh"

One recommendation ... Robin Hood on the BBC is a really good fun show. You should all check it out.


Crystal Valentine Garner said...

I know you're probably sick of me being the only one to comment on your blog-but I thought I'd give you some blog love. Thanks for cheering me up earlier.
I'm glad you talked me into seeing the movie-it was fun and Gabby seemed to like it. She sure does have quite the personality-how can she not with you as her Dad?
Love you!

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